As an artist who draws inspiration from materials, I am interested in exploring the connections between the physical and the illusionary aspects of nature and scientific inquiry, both in two and three dimensions. My work is driven by curiosity rather than being tied to social or political issues. I aim to explore possibilities, understand how things work, and create artwork that generates questions. I consider the forces at play within a piece, how components move, interact, generate gestures, and establish stability. These physical ideas are present in the creation of my artwork, as well as references to history through shape and form, and emotional connections. I hope that my audience experiences similar feelings and responses, allowing them to see and question the resonance of my artwork within themselves. While I could delve into the interrelationships between form and the human condition or discuss the impact of global warming on the components of my work, these concepts go beyond my simple desire to create objects that speak to me and share them with others, in the hope that they too may find questions or answers through viewing the artwork.

The vast variety of forms and structures in the natural environment, as well as the connection between art and science, have driven me to explore beneath the surface. I am fascinated by the unobserved layers of our lives and have developed an ongoing fascination with the microscopic world. I strive to capture the essence of cellular structures that are invisible to the naked eye and infuse them with anthropomorphic qualities. By studying complex matrices and focusing on individual cell structures, I explore and expand on relationships of color and gritty, tactile textures, envisioning them on a grand scale and then rendering them on a smaller scale. The cells of eukaryotes (protozoa, plants, animals) are highly structured and possess specialized packaging and transport mechanisms, which I strive to simulate in my artwork. The options for materials in sculpture are limitless, constrained only by availability and physical space. For two-dimensional work, I have many choices of media, such as gouache, an opaque water-based medium that allows me to create lush color contrasts, play with patterns and textures, and include fine linear details within a piece. As these compositions unfold and multiply, I am driven to uncover more about what lies beneath or within, and bring it to light.

